A Free Math Handbook Provides Tangible Skills in Arithmetic through Statistics

By Bobby Kushner / July 2, 2023

KITCHENER, ONT. -- Drop relying on deficient programs and partisan teachers to learn fundamental math skills! A Canadian writer provides an easier way and wants you to use it.

The free-to-download handbook, "Fundamental Math Skills" offers tangible skills in arithmetic through statistics.

Bobby Kushner, a Canadian public relations and screen writer, wrote the handbook to clarify how to learn and memorize fundamental math concepts.

For example, the handbook instructs readers to seek out patterns in the numbers for memorizing the multiplication tables and their 12 perfect squares.

"To memorize the nine-times table," Kushner says, "I point out the second digit in the table always decreases by one: 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72 and so on."

He also wrote the handbook after observing the critical failures of traditional educational programs and handbooks.

"Our educational programs lack self-containment,” Kushner says. “and often serve as ambiguous stepping stones for learning fundamental skills elsewhere.

"Similarly, our handbooks often disregard the difficult concepts and overexplain the easy ones. All things forcing learners to rely on teachers, whose roles are to enhance the learning of fundamental concepts, not teach them."

The handbook also contains a brief Essentials Skills section for memorizing fundamental concepts at the outset.

Kushner says, "The section provides readers fundamental skills to memorize at the outset if readers lack time to read the rest of the handbook. A feature included across all six of my free-to-download handbooks."

Currently, the original ebook version of "Fundamental Math Skills" is available free of cost on Bobby Kushner’s website www.bobbykushner.ca and its updated version in late July 2026.

Bobby Kushner works as a public relations and screenplay writer. He previously studied multiple manuals on mathematics, organic chemistry and physiology currently advocates for secondary and post-secondary curricula being self contained.

“Secondary and higher education programs need to be complete in themselves for acquiring skills,” Kushner says. “not just a means for learning skills elsewhere.”

To learn more about this handbook

Read This Definite Guide to Resolving Emotional Issues

By Bobby Kushner / October 9, 2021

STRATFORD, ONT. -- Therapists suggest counseling to those failing to resolve emotional issues. However, a Canadian writer suggests overcoming these issues yourself and using his handbook “Behavioural Therapy: CBT and DBT in Practice” to do it.

The handbook provides tangible skills for resolving problem behaviours and stressful life events.

It stems from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), a behavioural therapy developed by Marsha Linehan in the 1980s.

Canadian public relations and screen writer, Bobby Kushner wrote the handbook to focus more on the practice of CBT and DBT skills through mental visualizations.

For example, the book instructs readers to mentally visualize themselves using the learned CBT and DBT skills in specific-problem situations then urges them to rehearse daily those visualizations until they become instinctive responses to those problem situations.

“I wanted to stress this throughout the handbook,” Kushner says. “because the skills will be nonexistent during crisis if readers only attempt using them when in crisis.”

Kushner also created the 58-page handbook to be a free therapy alternative to the many counseling programs and CBT and DBT guides failing to meet expectations.

“Most counseling sessions lack meaningful results,” Kushner says. “Most result in open ended discussions about one’s life not in tangible solutions to issues.

“Also the majority of CBT and DBT guides are misleading interpretations of the original manual. Take deep breaths. Count to 10 before reacting. Keep yourself busy when down. These cliches are often suggested by counseling programs and CBT and DBT guides as primary solutions to problems. What a disservice to those in crisis!”

The handbook contains a brief Emergency Skills section for memorizing fundamental concepts at the outset.

Kushner says, “The Emergency Skills section provides readers fundamental skills to memorize at the outset if readers lack time to read the rest of the handbook. A feature included across all six of my free-to-download handbooks.”

Currently, the original ebook version of “Behavioural Therapy: CBT and DBT in Practice” is available free of cost on Bobby Kushner’s website www.bobbykushner.ca and its updated version in late July 2026.

Bobby Kushner works as a public relations and screenplay writer. He previously studied multiple manuals on clinical psychology and human relations currently advocates for secondary and post-secondary curricula being self contained.

“Secondary and higher education programs need to be complete in themselves for acquiring skills,” Kushner says. “not just a means for learning skills elsewhere.”

To learn more about this handbook

A Canadian Writer Offers a Free English Writing Manual to Those in Need

By Bobby Kushner / October 9, 2021

STRATFORD, ONT. -- Students and adult learners won’t need to depend on convoluted writing manuals and style guides to learn English composition and grammar concepts. The handbook “Fundamental Writing Skills” better explains how those concepts work.

Canadian public relations and screen writer, Bobby Kushner wrote the handbook after observing the critical failures of traditional writing manuals.

“The majority of writing manuals are inadequate for learning these concepts,” Kushner says. “because most times, they’re style guides for usage not instructional manuals for learning those concepts.

“However, many educators recommend these styles guides to students as revered manuals for learning English writing when these guides aren’t for this purpose.”

The handbook presents English composition concepts first and grammar ones last, so readers understand how the writing concepts fit together.

It also includes a brief Essential Skills section for memorizing fundamental concepts at the outset.

Kushner says, “The essential skills section provides readers fundamental skills to memorize at the outset if readers lack time to read the rest of the handbook. A feature included across all six of my free-to-download handbooks.”

Currently, the original ebook version of “Fundamental Writing Skills” is available free of cost on Bobby Kushner’s website www.bobbykushner.ca and its updated version in late July 2026.

“I wanted this information to be free to those struggling to write with coherence and brevity,” Kushner says.

Bobby Kushner works as a public relations and screenplay writer. He previously studied multiple manuals on technical writing, journalism and literature and currently advocates for secondary and post-secondary curricula being self contained.

“Secondary and higher education programs need to be complete in themselves for acquiring skills,” Kushner says. “not just a means for learning skills elsewhere.”

To learn more about this handbook

A Writer Confronts Canadian Society's Ambitious Opportunists

FOR RELEASE November 12, 2026
By Bobby Kushner / July 11, 2023

A conservative swindles a life-long friend out of his savings and a liberal a disabled man out of his vehicle.

Conservatives painted the swindling of the life-long friend as a reward for enduring an abusive friendship and liberals of the disabled man retribution for living a life of misogyny.

To confront society’s “ambitious opportunists” on both political sides, Bobby Kushner, a Canadian writer, wrote a speech named “The Fighters and the Others.”

The speech compares the lives of the ambitious opportunists to the ambitious fighters.

“The ambitious opportunists revere greed, the want of everything for nothing,” Kushner says. “and the ambitious fighters achievement, the desire to overcome difficulty and create opportunity.”

The speech also explores how society even values the ambitious opportunists over the ambitious fighters.

“Society prizes the ones seeking to avoid the difficulties and steal opportunities from others to seize their wants.” Kushner says.

“It reveres them as strong, resourceful and powerful, though these types worked at overcoming nothing to seize their ambitions.”

The speech “The Fighters And The Others” reads, . . .